British airways utreder portade nötallergikern

Efter flera påtryckningar från kommer British airways att utreda händelsen där Cecilia Andersson portades från ett flygplan på Kastrup på grund av sin luftburna nötallergi. Det meddelar flygbolagets pressavdelning i ett mejl.

”Vi ber kunden om ursäkt för den olägenhet vi har orsakat. Vi håller på att utreda saken och kommer att ta kontakt med kunden för att diskutera saken ytterligare”, skriver Lauren Cooper på British airways (här översatt från engelska till svenska).

Det är efter flera mejlväxlingar som British airways nu kommer med ett svar. I tidigare mejl har bolaget undvikit att svara på de frågor som ställt med anledning av händelsen.

Lauren Cooper skriver att nötallergiker är välkomna ombord  men att flygbolaget inte kan garantera en nötfri kabin. I praktiken betyder det att personer som har luftburen allergi mot nötter bör välja andra flygbolag (de serverar däremot inte jordnötter). Lauren Cooper uppger att de kommer att utreda anledningen till varför Cecilia Andersson nekades att stiga ombord.

 Här är hela British airways svar:


Are clients with airborne nut allergies welcome on the British Airways flights?

Yes passengers with nut allergies are welcome on British Airways flights.  We do advise passengers to talk to a doctor prior to travel about the things they can do to be prepared  in case they come into contact with an allergen. Here are a few to think about:
- Wear a medi-alert bracelet.
- Advise cabin crew and the people seated next to you of your allergy.
- Ensure your medication is easily accessible.
- Cabin crew are trained to recognise symptoms of anaphylaxis and administer treatment but if you are travelling with family, friends or guardians they would be expected to treat you first.
- Clearly label your medication to show who it should be administered to.
- Carry an emergency treatment plan and a letter signed by your doctor so you can minimise delays at security going through the airport as you will have your medication in your hand baggage.


How come a passenger allergic to nuts can get positive answers regarding the possibility to travel with you in advance, but then be refused to enter the aircraft?
We apolgise to the customer for any inconvenience caused. We are investigating the matter and will be in contact with the customer to discuss the matter further.



Will a passenger with airborne nut allergy always be refused to board the aircraft?
Passengers with nut allergies are welcome on British Airways flights. We advise food allergy sufferers to check for further information about travelling with allergies.


Do you have any plans to improve the situation for persons who have  airborne nut allergy, and if so, how?
We cannot guarantee a nut free cabin, or prevent other passengers from bringing their own food on board. We adhere to the recommendations of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for allergen sensitive passengers to make sure their flight is as comfortable as we can make it. If a passenger is unsure about the requirements for different medical conditions they can contact our dedicated Passenger Medical Clearance team who process all completed medical paperwork.They will assess your fitness to fly and advise accordingly.

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